Cosmetic Dentistry FAQ

Overview of Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Cosmetic dentistry is growing in popularity, and the science behind cosmetic dentistry is advancing so much that we can even perform “instant orthodontics” with veneers and crowns that allow for that straight, bright white smile in a number of short hours.
  • Cosmetic dentistry has been one of the centerpieces for most family and cosmetic dental practices and is no longer relegated to those few best “cosmetic dentists” that have looked to limit their practices.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Implants Porcelain Veneers Preventative Care Restorative Care Dentures Mercury Free Dentistry TMJ – Facial Pain – Headache Services Teeth Whitening
  • Cosmetic dentistry, in simple words, is the branch of dental sciences which helps in bettering the overall smile and facial appearance of a given patient as regards with teeth and gums.
  • Cosmetic dentistry is big business, but while we’re nowadays au fait with teeth whitening, other aesthetic treatments for our smiles still come with a little confusion.
  • Cosmetic dentistry has been an absolute boom over the last 30 years when it comes to such innovative techniques as teeth whitening and minimally invasive veneers.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry Center is a multi-specialty dental practice conveniently located in Brooklyn, New York, that has served the Bay Ridge community for 10 years.
  • Cosmetic dentistry is as vast and unique as your own smile.  Whether you have a chipped tooth or stained teeth, it’s time to visit Wilshire Smile Studio.
  • Cosmetic dentistry options can address deep stains, chips and gaps, orthodontic concerns, and many other conditions that may be compromising smile aesthetics.

Am I a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Most people who don’t like some aspect of the way their teeth look could benefit from cosmetic dentistry. In most cases, all you need to be eligible is good oral health. Once we’ve taken care of any issues like cavities or gum disease, we can talk about which aesthetic problems you’d like to correct and which services will help you accomplish that goal.

Are the treatments completely aesthetic?

Some cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as teeth whitening, only have cosmetic benefits, but plenty of other treatments have real benefits to your oral health. When you lose a tooth, your remaining teeth tend to shift into the gap left by the missing tooth, making chewing more difficult and putting your teeth at risk for decay and gum disease. By filling that gap, bridges and implants keep your teeth where they belong and protect them. Implants work double duty, stimulating your jawbone to prevent the bone loss that is caused by losing a tooth. Even veneers, which are commonly applied to patients’ teeth for cosmetic purposes, can work to protect teeth where they have cracked, chipped, or the enamel has worn thin. While all cosmetic treatments do improve or restore the appearance of your smile, many of them also improve, restore, and protect its function as well.

Can you fix uneven or mismatched tooth colors?

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Do You Need Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment?

Patients seek cosmetic dentistry services for many different reasons. Some may wish to look younger or reverse the signs of aging. But most patients have dealt with smile imperfections their whole lives and have always felt somewhat self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth. They will rarely laugh, smile, or eat in public. This can cause a significant reduction in quality of life and diminish important personal and professional relationships. Eventually, many patients feel compelled to fix their smile. The good news is that modern cosmetic dentistry offers a wide array of treatment options for people seeking a “camera ready” smile transformation. From teeth whitening, to porcelain veneers, braces and beyond, we can propose a treatment plan that will deliver the picture perfect smile you’ve always desired.

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Smile?

Are you afraid of smiling in front of friends and coworkers, just because you fear that you will expose your crooked and stained teeth in front of them, every time you smile? Do you want to have a perfect and beautiful smile? Then visiting a cosmetic dentist is the answer to all your dental worries. Cosmetic dentistry provides various procedures that are aimed at improving the facial aesthetics, as well as the appearance of dental structures, such as the teeth and gums.

How Do I Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?

You’ll want to make sure the dentist you choose has demonstrated a high level of skill performing the types of cosmetic treatments you are considering. Any cosmetic dentists should be able to show you before-and-after photos of his or her work and provide references from other patients in your community. You should also verify that the dentist you choose has taken continuing education courses to keep up with the latest techniques in clinical cosmetic dentistry. Read more about How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist.

How Do I Decide Which To See?

If you want to straighten misaligned teeth, you may have heard that veneers are a popular alternative to braces.

How Do I Find a Cosmetic Dentist?

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) is the lead professional organization for cosmetic dentists, with over 7,000 members who have attained advanced training and/or accreditation. Find an AACD Cosmetic Dentist.

How do I find the right cosmetic dentist for me?

A great way to start your search for a cosmetic dentist is to ask for recommendations from your friends and family or to look at online reviews of dentists near you. Once you’ve narrowed your search down, the best way to choose one is to schedule consultations with a few of them. Ask questions about their qualifications, what treatment they would recommend for you, and ask to look at before and after photos of treatments similar to what you’re hoping to receive.

How do I fix my gummy smile?

Since gummy smiles are usually caused by an excess of gum tissue that partially obscures the teeth, your gummy smile can be easily fixed through a procedure called gum contouring or gum reshaping. Your dentist will reshape your gums using a laser to remove the excess gum tissue and expose your teeth. Once healed, your smile will have a better teeth-to-gums ratio, giving you a natural smile you can be proud of.

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How Long Will It Take for Me to Achieve Results?

The answer to this question varies dramatically based on which procedures you’re undergoing. For instance, in-office teeth whitening can be completed in one appointment that should only take about an hour. By contrast, placing veneers takes at least two treatments over the course of a few weeks. Invisalign often takes between one and two years to complete.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Depending on which treatment(s) you receive, you can expect your results to last for several months or even years! In general, the better you take care of your oral health, the longer your results will last. For treatments like veneers, whitening, and bonding, it helps to diligently brush and floss every day, avoid foods and drinks that cause tooth discoloration, and avoid biting down on hard objects. After Invisalign, be sure to wear your retainer as directed to prevent your teeth from shifting back.

How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?

Not every dentist is trained in providing aesthetic dental services. Rather, dentists who have undergone rigorous training in this field, and have extensive experience of these procedures are considered eligible for providing cosmetic services.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Many people assume that cosmetic dentistry is only for the rich and famous, but today, these procedures are more accessible and affordable than ever before.

Need to Make an Appointment?

Please complete our online appointment request form and we will contact you with the best available time.

Want to Improve Your Smile?

See what braces, crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, bridges, implants, gum reshaping — or even a complete dental makeover — can do for your smile.

Want to schedule an appointment?

Trying to find a dentist near you? We are conveniently located in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, serving patients in Sandy Springs as well as in the surrounding areas of East Cobb, Roswell, Dunwoody, and Brookhaven. In addition to calling, you can also conveniently book an appointment online with our Dentist in Sandy Springs. We hope to see you visiting Boutique for Cosmetic Dentistry soon.

What Is An Orthodontist?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the misalignment of the teeth and jaws. An orthodontist begins his career as a dentist and then chooses orthodontics as a field of specialty—much in the same way as doctors choose to specialize in specific areas of medicine like neurology, psychiatry, rheumatology and pediatrics.


The mission of AACD member dentists is to practice responsible esthetics. That means helping patients as they maintain their oral health, function, and appearance for a lifetime. AACD dentists believe that beauty is more than skin deep, and that cosmetic dentistry should complement the overall general and oral health of the patient. As such, cosmetic dental treatment decisions are based on the foundation of evidence-based protocols combined with sound clinical judgment.

What Are the Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Improving your teeth will boost your confidence and give you that glowing white smile you’ve always wanted.

What are veneers used to treat?

Veneers are a versatile cosmetic treatment that can be used to treat many dental issues. They largely treat problems with the teeth themselves, working to protect and improve the appearance of teeth that have chipped, cracked, broken slightly, or have thin enamel. They also cover stained or strangely-shaped teeth in order to make them more aesthetically pleasing.

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do?

Cosmetic dentistry can do more than just improve the appearance of your smile. Not only can misaligned, missing, or damaged teeth affect speech, eating, breathing, and other oral functions, but they can impact the shape and function of your jaw over time. By restoring your smile, cosmetic dentistry can improve the structural integrity of your teeth to keep them stronger and healthier for a lifetime of use.

What cosmetic procedures do you perform?

Our patients can benefit from our teeth whitening, crowns, veneers, and bonding procedures. Teeth whitening can be done in the office or at home, and crowns (caps) and veneers are relatively easy and make a world of difference in your smile. We also now offer short-term orthodontics.

What Dental Treatments Are Considered Cosmetic?

All cosmetic dentistry treatments improve the appearance of an individual’s teeth. Some can also restore function and/or improve oral health as well.

What do I do if professional whitening won’t affect the stains on my teeth?

Unfortunately, there are stains that professional tooth whitening treatments can’t fix. Often, these stains are acquired in early childhood or result from certain antibiotics, an injury to the tooth during its development, or too much fluoride exposure. Other stains acquired during adulthood, such as dark brown stains, may not respond well to teeth whitening treatments.

What Endodontic Treatment Can A General Dentist Perform?

You might not know much about endodontic treatments, but if you ever need a procedure to save a tooth, you will be grateful for this branch of dentistry. When you have concerns with your teeth, you need to go to the right professional. In some cases, an endodontist can most effectively help you.

What is a Cosmetic Dentist?

Generally speaking, a cosmetic dentist is a restorative dentist who has extensively studied the concepts of smile design and dental materials to create what could best be described as works of art. Cosmetic dentists are usually affiliated with a professional organization that provides continuing education and levels of accreditation to verify outstanding achievement in the study of cosmetic dentistry.

What Is A Cosmetic Dentist?

Few dental schools provide training in cosmetic dentistry. Therefore, a successful and highly-qualified cosmetic dentist will have pursued graduate training in cosmetic dentistry after completing dental school.

What is bonding?

When you have a small crack in your tooth, or part of your tooth is chipped, we can apply a quick-drying, tooth-colored filling material that can be shaped directly in your mouth. This allows us to apply the right amount, shape it to fit and match the surrounding teeth, and make sure that it doesn’t interfere when biting down.

What Is Composite Bonding In Cosmetic Dentistry?

Composite bonding is a non-invasive cosmetic dentistry procedure used to repair, rebuild, and restore teeth. It is one of the most affordable treatments offered by dentists, but it is also a versatile dental procedure.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry consists of treatments and procedures which improve the appearance of your teeth, gums, smile, and bite. These treatments generally address issues affecting the shape and color of your teeth, spacing, shape size, and alignment.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry can help fix chips, discoloration, missing, broken or misaligned teeth. Although it is considered cosmetic and not medically required, many patients decide to get dental work done to improve their smile and appearance. Newbury Dental Group can work with you to create a treatment plan to improve your smile confidence with a variety of possible procedures.


Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry aimed at creating a positive change to your teeth and to your smile. Most think of tooth whitening or porcelain veneers, but a cosmetic dentist can provide much more.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening, aka bleaching is a procedure in which we apply a whitening gel to your teeth. Using an intensified light, we can whiten your teeth in our office within 1 ½ hours. We can also provide you with the whitening gel and trays so that you can whiten your teeth at home. Whitening at home takes up to 2 weeks. For those with severe staining who may have been told that “bleaching won’t work for you,” we have a deep bleach technique that may allow for your desired results. Ask us if you are a candidate.

What is The Cost of Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

Due to the skill and intricacy required in performing them, cosmetic dental procedures are usually expensive. However, compared with the miraculous improvement achieved in facial aesthetics after undergoing these procedures, the benefits outweigh the risks and limitations.

What is the Difference Between Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry?

While there is some overlap between the two fields (both may utilize implants and crowns, for example), the focus is different, as is the level of expertise. The cosmetic dentist goes beyond restoring an individual’s teeth to their proper function, seeking to attain the most ideal result according to the patient’s definition of beauty. This involves a high level of finesse with even the smallest details, such as how much tooth should be displayed in a particular smile.

What kinds of problems can cosmetic dentistry solve?

Cosmetic dentistry can fix a host of problems, both minor and major. If you have a gummy smile or teeth that are stained, damaged, decayed, or missing, you can turn to cosmetic dentistry for a solution. Even if you have a host of complex dental issues that need to be treated, cosmetic dentistry can give your smile a completely new appearance and renewed functionality.

What Should I Expect From A Cosmetic Consultation?

You can expect your dentist to ask you to describe in detail what you like and dislike about your smile, and what you want to change. Bringing photos of how you have looked in the past or would like to look in the future are helpful to serve as general guidelines. Because aesthetic problems such as missing or discolored teeth can also point to underlying health issues, a comprehensive oral exam is a must. Once your dentist has a thorough understanding of where you are starting from and where you want to end up, he or she can explain your treatment options (including how much they will cost and how long they will take to implement) and plan a course of action.

When Is Tooth Extraction Needed?

Sometimes, tooth extraction is required for individuals who have broken or decayed teeth. In some cases, this procedure allows for implants and dentures to take the place of a pulled tooth, or a dentist may extract a damaged tooth that causes pain.

Why should I come to your office for a cosmetic dentistry procedure?

Our office prides itself on its welcoming atmosphere, its bright and cheery smiles, and its kind and helpful staff. Most of our staff have worked with us for years, so seeing the same wonderful faces every visit is one reason why so many of our patients return.

Will I always need a crown on a broken tooth?

The treatment required for a broken tooth depends upon how badly the tooth is broken. If it is very minor, you can quickly and easily repair it with dental bonding. This is an easy and cost-effective solution that will probably only take about 30 minutes. It uses a tooth-colored resin, which is matched in color and gloss to that of your natural tooth, to cover the broken part of your tooth and restore it to its original shape. Dental bonding usually needs to be replaced every three to 10 years. You can also use a veneer to cover a relatively minor break. This is a longer process and costs more, but it will last about 15 years without needing to be replaced if it is cared for well. If the break is bad, however, you will likely need a crown in order to protect the sensitive root from bacteria and infection.

Will my insurance cover my treatment?

Whether or not your dental insurance covers a treatment depends upon what treatment you’re getting and what your individual company’s policy is. Most companies will help pay for a dental crown, for example, as the procedure is considered restorative, but many won’t help pay for an implant or a whitening treatment.

Will tooth whitening treatments lighten my crowns or veneers?

Tooth whitening will not lighten your crowns or veneers. If you aren’t happy with the shade of your teeth, it’s important to get a professional whitening treatment before you get a crown, veneer, or similar treatment. When you’re getting a crown, for example, the porcelain material is matched to the current color of your teeth, allowing it to blend in and look natural. If you whiten your teeth after it’s been installed, the crown will stand out against your whiter natural teeth.

History of Cosmetic Dentistry

  • In 2015, in-office bleaching procedures rose 29 percent over the year before, according to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey.